W/ weather coming ensure your child’s teacher knows how to sent your child home should it be different than usual b/c of early dismissal.

If you are in 4th to 7th grade, do not miss out on this great opportunity!

The January K-Kids' meeting is tomorrow, January 10, from 3:15 to 4 p.m. in the PES Library.

Our annual Cherrydale fundraiser kicks off January 8! Your student will bring home the information on TUESDAY! Out of town family and friends may order through the website, www.cherrydale.com/frplmpm

Registration forms have gone home with 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th graders. What a great opportunity!

Christmas Caroling 2018

Christmas songs at PES

Christmas at PES

Tomorrow, Friday, December 21, PES will dismiss at 1:00 p.m. for Christmas break. There will be NO After School Program. Change in normal going home plan? Please call the office. Merry Christmas!!

Last week, YMCA Youth Basketball forms (BLUE) were sent home. Yesterday, they brought in CORRECTED forms (YELLOW). Please recycle the blue form & submit the yellow one to the Y if you choose to participate. Thank you!

GRINCH WEEK is December 17 - 21 at PES! See the listing of daily happenings and the reason for the season on the flyer attached.

Mystery reader in Mrs. Keim's class

Second grade came to perform a play for Mrs. Keim's first grade class today!

Special Guest Reader in Mrs. Keim's class: Nurse Gigi

K-Kids will be Christmas caroling at Maple Lawn Nursing Home today from 3:15 to 4:15.

TOMORROW - December 5, PES will be dismissing at 1:00 p.m. If you registered your student for 1st @ 1st, they will ride the church bus & you will pick them up there. No ASP - call the office with any dismissal questions.

Help 2nd grade reach our goal of 400 new pairs of socks!

K-Kids were given a permission slip today with information on Christmas caroling at Maple Lawn Nursing Home on Thursday, Dec. 6. Please sign and return this form by Monday, Dec. 3.

3rd Grade Open House has been cancelled for tonight, and rescheduled for Monday, 12/3 @ 6:00. We hope to see you then.

JUST A REMINDER - Wear your CHOOSE KIND shirts tomorrow! There is NO SCHOOL Wednesday, November 20 - Friday, November 22. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!!