Hey Everyone!!! Check out the PES December 2020 Newsletter. Everyone have a great Thanksgiving Break! https://www.smore.com/gyd6m
about 4 years ago, Marty Smyser
Reminder: No school Wednesday, Thursday or Friday this week! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving break!
about 4 years ago, Darla Power
Palmyra Elementary's, Cookie Dough Fundraiser, will kick-off this Tuesday, November 10th! Your family's participation in this project is needed and much appreciated!
about 4 years ago, Bridgette Augspurg
Cookie Dough Fundraiser Information
Just a reminder: we will be getting out of School early on Wednesday the 11th at 1:05 pm. There will be NO ASP on Wednesday! Thanks 😃
about 4 years ago, Darla Power
REMINDER: No ASP today or tomorrow! Tomorrow is early out, students will be dismissed at 1:05.and School is out on Friday!
about 4 years ago, Darla Power
Remember, parent/teacher conference on Wednesday and Thursday.with 1/2 day of school on Thursday. And no school on Friday! We will not have ASP on Wednesday and Thursday! Thanks and have a great weekend!
about 4 years ago, Darla Power
Parents, this is a reminder that due to parent teacher conference next week we will NOT have ASP on Wednesday and Thursday! And no school on Friday! Thanks and have a great weekend!
about 4 years ago, Darla Power
Reminder: If. you want your child to be able to ride in the Homecoming Parade we need to have the permission slips returned by Wednesday October 7th.
about 4 years ago, Darla Power
Tuesday, October 6th at 6:30 PM we will have a PTO meeting at the Palmyra Elementary School Playground. (Being your own chair) We look forward to seeing you!
about 4 years ago, Darla Power
Tuesday, October 6th at 6:30 PM we will have a PTO meeting at the Palmyra Elementary School Playground. (Being your own chair) We look forward to seeing you!
about 4 years ago, Darla Power
ADOPT A STAFF MEMBER UPDATE- All staff members have been adopted! Thanks to everyone who volunteered. Emails have been sent out with more information. If you have not received an email, please contact Marty Smyser @769-3736
over 4 years ago, Marty Smyser
ADOPT A STAFF MEMBER UPDATE- Thanks to all those who have already contacted us to volunteer!!! We are still looking for volunteers to Adopt a Staff Member. If you are willing and would like more information please contact Marty Smyser @ 769-3736.
over 4 years ago, Marty Smyser
Parents, remember no school for students on Monday we have an in-service day for teachers. Have a great weekend!
over 4 years ago, Darla Power
ADOPT A STAFF MEMBER- It's been a wonderful 3 weeks at PES!!! We are looking for members of the community that would be willing to adopt a staff member at Palmyra Elementary. If you are willing and would like more information please contact Marty Smyser @ 769-3736.
over 4 years ago, Marty Smyser
Don't forget Picture day tomorrow! You can pre-order online at www.WagnerPortraitGroup.com Password: 8H7X5S5 or your child should have brought a form home last week and you can just return that form. Can't wait to see these kids all dressed up and smiles for pictures. If you are a Distant Learner you may come by at anytime between 9-11 and we will take them back to get pictures taken.
over 4 years ago, Darla Power
PALMYRA ELEMENTARY Picture Day is: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 Wagner Portrait Group will be photographing students for portrait packages & school records. This will be your special opportunity to purchase your school pictures! https://bit.ly/32xX4Bc Don’t forget to dress appropriately as the school dress code will apply. Please direct all questions, concerns, or special requests directly to Wagner Portrait Group. We are happy to help! 1-800-444-7986 info@wagnerportaitgroup.com
over 4 years ago, Darla Power
PALMYRA ELEMENTARY Picture Day is: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 Wagner Portrait Group will be photographing students for portrait packages & school records. This will be your special opportunity to purchase your school pictures! https://bit.ly/32xX4Bc Don’t forget to dress appropriately as the school dress code will apply. Please direct all questions, concerns, or special requests directly to Wagner Portrait Group. We are happy to help! 1-800-444-7986 info@wagnerportaitgroup.com
over 4 years ago, Darla Power
Just a reminder that online registration is ready for you to register your child/children. Go to palmyra.k12.mo.us web page and click on the SIS link. If you have any questions please call 769-3736. We would like to have these complete by Monday August 17. Thank you
over 4 years ago, Darla Power
https://palmyrar1.revtrak.net Parents, you can go to this website and pay your I Pad fees and. your After School program fees. Lunches should be paid through the Tyler SIS Portal on the web page.
over 4 years ago, Darla Power