4th Grade Parents: Basketball tournament schedules were sent home with your students today. Tournament will be held on Friday, February 21. https://5il.co/cr6g
Parents: Just a reminder that school WILL be in session on Monday, February 17 (President's Day). This was originally a school holiday but was designated as our first snow makeup day. Thank you!
K-Kids' February meeting today from 3:15 to 4:00 in the PES library.
Reminder: No School MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd due to Teacher In-Service Day. Tuesday, February 4th will be Day 4 on the Elective Rotation! https://5il.co/8pl3
Science Fair 2020
The February K-Kids' meeting is Tuesday, Feb. 4, due to conferences on the second Thursday. Also, mark your calendar for the Recycling Center on March 7 and Kiwanis One Day on April 18.
REMINDER - PES invades the Kroc Center TOMORROW from 1 - 5 pm. Plan to join us for a fun, family afternoon!
Reminder to join us tomorrow morning for the Knights of Columbus breakfast in support of our PAWS Pack program. 7:30 - 10 am at Msgr Farischon Hall. Free will donation. Thank you!
The PES Penny Drive collected $3,100.87 for the Hess family. This event is an example of the love found in our Palmyra community. Thank you to all who contributed.
PES will invade the Kroc Center on Sunday, January 19 from 1 - 5 pm. Information was sent home with your student today. Plan to join us for a fun, family afternoon!
K-Kids' January meeting is tomorrow from 3:15 to 4:00 in the PES library.
Sending a reminder to ensure your child's meal account balance is positive one. Check Parent Portal as needed.
Just a reminder - PTO will meet in the PES cafeteria at 6:30 p.m. tonight!
Sending a reminder to collect your pennies to bring to school tomorrow or Friday. All money collected will be given as a condolence to Addie & Aubrey Hess. Thank you for this act of generosity.
Over the holiday break, two of our PES students lost their mother in an accident. In an effort to share our condolences, we are inviting all PES families to participate in a penny drive for Addie & Aubrey Hess. Send pennies on Thursday and Friday upon our return to school.
GRINCH WEEK ends on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20. Let your Light SHINE - Light up your wardrobe with Holiday lights, glitter, tinsel light up necklaces, etc.
GRINCH WEEK continues THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19. Relax and Read - Bring your FAVORITE Christmas book!
Good evening PES family! Since we had a snow day on Monday, feel free to “Dream a Little Dream” tomorrow and wear your favorite Christmas PJs OR dress up as your favorite Christmas movie character!
GRINCH WEEK for WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18! Going to the Movies: Dress up as one of your favorite Christmas movie characters.
PES families - just a reminder that cookie dough delivery is TOMORROW! Please pick up Wednesday, December 18, between 3 pm and 6 pm in the gym.