Reminder: P/T conferences are Wednesday & Thursday for most PES teachers. There will be NO ASP on these days. School will dismiss at 1 pm on Thursday. Please contact the PES Office if you have dismissal plan changes.
over 5 years ago, Palmyra Elementary School
PES Book Fair opens tomorrow morning. Hours on Monday and Tuesday are 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
over 5 years ago, Elizabeth Bradley
K-Kids' meeting today from 3:15 to 4 in the PES gym.
over 5 years ago, Elizabeth Bradley
PES Parents: Parent Teacher Conference time preference slips are due tomorrow! Please fill those out & return with your student. If you have misplaced the form, you may call the office for help.
over 5 years ago, Palmyra Elementary School
Reminder: No School MONDAY, OCTOBER 7th due to Teacher In-Service Day. Tuesday, October 8th will be Day 1 on the Elective Rotation.
over 5 years ago, Palmyra Elementary School
Come bowl with us! Palmyra Elementary invites you & your family to join us Saturday, October 5th, for some bowling fun at Main Street Lanes! The fun begins at 4pm and ends at 7pm! $3 per person--shoes included. Snack bar will be open! We hope to see you there! #pespawsproud
over 5 years ago, Bridgette Augspurg
Reminder: PTO Meeting Thursday @ 6:30 @ PES We hope to see you there.
over 5 years ago, Lora Hillman
Construction Progress #wearepalmyra
over 5 years ago, Lora Hillman
Reminder: No School MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th due to Teacher In-Service Day. Tuesday, September 17th will be Day 2 on the Elective Rotation.
over 5 years ago, Palmyra Elementary School
Kindergarten Art
over 5 years ago, Lora Hillman
Playground Construction has Begun!
over 5 years ago, Lora Hillman
Fourth grade students were given a K-Kids' information sheet on Aug. 26. To join K-Kids, please fill out this registration and return it with $3 dues by Sept. 10. The first meeting is Sept. 12.
over 5 years ago, Elizabeth Bradley
PES second graders practice their reading fluency by partner reading and recording their story. #wearepalmyra
over 5 years ago, Lora Hillman
First graders working on the color red
over 5 years ago, 1st Grade
First grade wearing red!
Just as a reminder - NO SCHOOL on Monday, September 2! Enjoy your Labor Day holiday & we'll see you on Tuesday! Tuesday, September 3 will be DAY 3 on the elective rotation schedule.
over 5 years ago, Palmyra Elementary School
Views from PES.....
over 5 years ago, Lora Hillman
1st Graders using Sound Boxes for tech activity.
Parents as Teachers Playgroup starts tomorrow at 9:00 in the elementary cafeteria. Hope to see you!
over 5 years ago, Parents as Teachers
Thank you to HOMEBANK for the hot breakfast! Palmyra R-1 appreciates it!
over 5 years ago, Lora Hillman
Thank you!
Thank you!
Join us Monday and/or Tuesday for Back to School Nights!
over 5 years ago, Palmyra Elementary School
Just a reminder that Online Registration MUST be completed by 8:00 a.m. on Monday, August 12 for us to prepare for Meet the Teacher night. If you do not have computer access, stop by PES and we will assist you!
over 5 years ago, Palmyra Elementary School