Celebrate Summer scheduled for May 7 is canceled this year due to the extreme wet weather and continued forecast of rain. We look forward to seeing you in the fall for playgroup starting on August 20.

TOMORROW - May 1, PES will be dismissing at 1:00 p.m. If you registered your student for 1st @ 1st, they will ride the church bus & you will pick them up there. No ASP - call the office with any dismissal questions.

We are sorry to announce the Parents as Teachers Truck Rally is canceled today due to the weather! We are unable to reschedule!

REMINDER: School will NOT be in session on Friday, April 19 in observance of Good Friday. School WILL be in session on Monday, April 22, as a snow make-up day!
Happy Easter weekend to all of you!

REMINDER: Summer School forms are due on Thursday, April 18! Call the PES office if you have any questions!

ATTN: Summer Camp Registrants! Coach Parsons has agreed to add incoming 2nd graders to his Basketball Camp. They will be added to the 3rd-5th grade camp on June 10-13 from 10:30 am - 12:00 pm. Call PES with questions.

The final K-Kids' meeting for this school year is today from 3:15 to 4:00 in the PES Library.

4th Grade Family & Friends! Hope you will join us for OPEN HOUSE tomorrow night beginning at 6 PM!

We look forward to seeing all of our incoming kindergarten friends and their families!

K-Kids that turned in a permission slip to work Kiwanis One Day should meet tomorrow morning at 8:45 on the west side of the football field. Parents, please pick up your child behind the middle school at 11:00.

Don't forget - Palmyra Parent Teacher Organization is holding a Membership Meeting TONIGHT at 6:30 p.m. in the elementary school cafeteria. Hope you will join us - new board will be selected!

Please take two minutes to complete PES's annual survey.

With approximately 40 days left of school, please plan to end the year with your child's meal account with a positive balance. Do you know how much is in their account? Check out Parent Portal.

Palmyra Parent Teacher Organization is holding a Membership Meeting on Thursday, April 4 at 6:30 p.m. in the elementary school cafeteria. Hope you will join us - Vote for the new board!

K-Kids' Kiwanis One Day is Saturday, April 6, from 8:45 to 11 a.m. Students received a detailed permission slip yesterday. Signed permission slips are due by Thursday, April 4.

LAST CALL! Field Day T-Shirt order forms are due tomorrow. NO LATE ORDERS CAN BE ACCEPTED! Call the office if you have any questions!

PES is looking for a full time custodian. Go to our website to apply. https://palmyra.tedk12.com/hire/Index.aspx

PES K-Kids' meeting is tomorrow, March 14, from 3:15 to 4:00 in the PES Library.

PARENTS: Field Day T-Shirt order forms have been sent home with your students. They are due back NO LATER than Friday, March 15. Call the office if you have any questions!

PARENTS: Field Day T-Shirt order forms have been sent home with your students. They are due back NO LATER than Friday, March 15. Call the office if you have any questions!