TOMORROW - March 6, PES will be dismissing at 1:00 p.m. If you registered your student for 1st @ 1st, they will ride the church bus & you will pick them up there. No ASP - call the office with any dismissal questions.
about 6 years ago, Palmyra Elementary School
Reminder: PTO invites you to join us and Mr. Kirt Malone for an informational meeting on the April 2 No Tax Increase Bond Issue. Meeting is TONIGHT at 6:00 p.m. at Palmyra Elementary School. Hope to see you there!
about 6 years ago, Palmyra Elementary School
PTO - Bond Issue
Reminder: PTO invites you to join us and Mr. Kirt Malone for an informational meeting on the April 2 No Tax Increase Bond Issue. Meeting is TONIGHT at 6:00 p.m. at Palmyra Elementary School. Hope to see you there!
about 6 years ago, Palmyra Elementary School
PES will be celebrating Dr. Seuss' Birthday with a breakfast tomorrow, March 1, from 7 am to 8:15 am. Cost is $2.50 for adults & $1.50 for students. Join us for Green Eggs & Ham (or biscuits and gravy) (or cereal).
about 6 years ago, Palmyra Elementary School
Dr. Seuss
PES will be celebrating Dr. Seuss' Birthday with a breakfast tomorrow, March 1, from 7 am to 8:15 am. Cost is $2.50 for adults & $1.50 for students. Join us for Green Eggs & Ham (or biscuits and gravy) (or cereal).
about 6 years ago, Palmyra Elementary School
Dr. Seuss
Cookie Dough has arrived!! It's available for pickup at the PES Gym until 6:30 p.m. tonight! Thank you for your support of PES! #pespawsproud
about 6 years ago, Palmyra Elementary School
Cookie Dough
Cookie dough pick up from 2-6:30 tomorrow at the PES gym.
about 6 years ago, Lora Hillman
K-Kids received a permission slip last week for the Recycling Center activity on Saturday, March 2. This signed form is due tomorrow so a work schedule can be created. This schedule will be sent home with students on Friday.
about 6 years ago, Elizabeth Bradley
Wondering what to do on a rainy Saturday? Clip those BOX TOPS! Spring submission is this week so please send them in no later than Tuesday, February 26 to assure time for counting. Thank you for your support of PES!
about 6 years ago, Palmyra Elementary School
Wondering what to do on a rainy Saturday? Clip those BOX TOPS! Spring submission is this week so please send them in no later than Tuesday, February 26 to assure time for counting. Thank you for your support of PES!
about 6 years ago, Palmyra Elementary School
Today is the final day of the PES Book Fair. It will be open until 4:30 today. The online book fair remains open through Monday, Feb. 25. Thanks for your support!
about 6 years ago, Elizabeth Bradley
How is your child's meal account balance at PES? Please ensure there is money in their account. #pawsitivebalance.
about 6 years ago, Lora Hillman
Muffins for Mom has been rescheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, from 7:00-8:00 a.m. at PES. We hope to see you there!
about 6 years ago, Lora Hillman
If we are in school tomorrow, we will also have our Muffins for Mom event. It starts @ 7:00 a.m. We hope to see you at PES!
about 6 years ago, Lora Hillman
PES K-Kids are sponsoring a Red Cross Blood Drive on Monday, Feb. 25, from 2 to 6 pm in the PES Gym. Eligible donors are needed. Appointments between 2:45 and 6 are still available. If you wish to donate, call Mrs. Bradley at the school or register online.
about 6 years ago, Elizabeth Bradley
PES Book Fair is open from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm on February 19 through February 22.
about 6 years ago, Elizabeth Bradley
Come join the fun in building with over 3000 blocks in the elementary gym at the Parents as Teachers Block Fest!
about 6 years ago, Parents as Teachers
PES Book Fair is open until 7:30 this evening.
about 6 years ago, Elizabeth Bradley
PES Families - There will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, February 15 due to a Staff Professional Development Day and NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 18 for President's Day. Have a great weekend!
about 6 years ago, Palmyra Elementary School
Today, February 14 is an early dismissal at 1PM. Valentine's Day parties begin at noon; doors open at 11:55 a.m. There will be NO ASP today so please call the office if you need to change your child's going home plan.
about 6 years ago, Palmyra Elementary School