Look for this table and more at p/t conferences today and tomorrow @ PES #pesproud

See you at p/t conferences!

Parent/Teacher Conferences are tomorrow & Thursday (October 17 & 18). There will be NO ASP on these two days. School will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday. There is NO SCHOOL on Friday, October 19.

Details can be found on page 7. Remember we have an early out on Thursday and no school Friday. #pesproud

Visit Parent Portal to check your child's grades. Also notice elective classes have moved to a 3-point grading scale. Check out the student handbook for details. http://5il.co/5ai3

Congratulations to Ms. Snodgrass' first grade class! They came the closest to guessing the weight of "Pumpkin Jack!" He was a very large pumpkin, weighing in at 121lbs! Their class guessed 120lbs! Now it's time to carve him and see how many seeds are inside!

PES Book Fair opens tomorrow. Hours are 7:30 am to 4:30 pm on Monday and Tuesday and 7:30 am to 7:30 pm on Wednesday and Thursday. Your support of our book fair is always appreciated.

Not a typical PHS Homecoming, but still a great day to be a Palmyra Panther! I thought a few of you might want to see a picture of the school bell taken from Sudduth Rural School. All country schools are listed on a plaque with the bell found at the entrance of the Elementary.

The Homecoming Parade for today has been cancelled and will not be rescheduled. Palmyra Elementary School will be dismissed as normal at regular time. Thank you.

REMINDER - Parent/Teacher Conferences are next Wednesday and Thursday (October 17 and 18). There will be NO ASP on these two days. Also, Thursday is an early release day & there is NO School on Friday.

The October meeting for K-Kids will be tomorrow, October 11, from 3:15 to 4:00 in the gym.

TOMORROW is School Picture retake day for those who were absent, anyone who needs to have pictures retaken and groups. Picture money or pictures being returned need to be brought with your student on October 10.

Wednesday, October 10 is School Picture retake day for those who were absent or anyone who needs to have pictures retaken. Picture money or pictures being returned need to be brought with your student on October 10.

First graders enjoying their extra recess

More Pride Celebration with first graders

First grade PRIDE celebration

Mrs. Keim’s class at the public library.

PHS Homecoming 2018 information coming home tonight.

TOMORROW-October 3, PES will be dismissing at 1:00 p.m. If you registered your student for 1st @ 1st, they will ride the church bus & you will pick them up there. No ASP - call the office with any dismissal questions.

First grade students went to visit the Fire Station on Friday.