First grade students will be walking to the Fire Station tomorrow.

Parent's Night for 2nd, 3rd (except for Mrs. Arch which is today from 6-7 pm) & 4th Grade is TOMORROW night, September 13, 2018, from 6 - 7 pm at PES. Child care is available. Mrs. Clayton's begins early at 5:45 p.m.

Remember to check parent portal for your child's most current meal account information. Please maintain a positive balance in their account. Use parent portal to also make a payment.

Thank you to the MO Conservation Department and Palmyra Parks & Recreation for a wonderful day at the Storybook Trail with Parents as Teachers!

Parent's Night for Kindergarten and 1st Grade is TOMORROW night, September 11, 2018, from 6 pm - 7 pm at PES. Child care is available. Hope to see you here!

Proud of our PES Staff! #keepingkidssafe #pesproud

Mrs. Keim’s first grade class at public library.

The Parent as Teachers Storybook Trail activities are canceled this morning - just too much rain. We hope to see you on Monday, September 10 at 9 and 1 for fun in the park!

First Grade students wearing blue for color week.

TOMORROW-September 5, PES will be dismissing at 1:00 p.m. If you registered your student for 1st @ 1st, they will ride the church bus & you will pick them up there. No ASP -call the office with any dismissal questions.

Color Unit Schedule 9/5-9/7:
Wed: Blue
Thursday: Yellow
Friday: Gray/Black

First grade all in red 9/4/18

REMINDER: PES T-Shirt Order forms and payments are due on Friday, August 31st! Forms are still available in the PES Office if you need one.

First graders made cards for National Senior Citizen Day and sent them to the Palmyra Nutrition Center.

Picture Day is THURSDAY! Be sure to send the completed picture form with your student on or before Thursday. If you would like to pre-purchase online, visit www.WagnerPortraitGroup.com. Our school password: PALMYRAES

First day of school for first grade 8/15/18

TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT - Meet Your Teacher! Join us from 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Bring in your supplies & visit with your new teacher! Parents, you can make lunch account payments, iPad Insurance and ASP payments, too!

Don't forget - Monday, August 13 is Meet the Teacher Night! Join us from 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Bring in your school supplies and visit with your new classroom teacher! We look forward to seeing you!

Thank you to all who took time from their busy schedule to help with parking at the fair. The fundraiser was a success b/c of YOUR help.

Palmyra Elementary now accepts online payments for food service! Visit palmyra.k12.mo.us, log-in to your parent portal, and choose ONLINE PAYMENT any time to make a payment with a credit/debit card.