TAX FREE WEEKEND - Get your school supplies! Bring them in on Meet the Teacher night, Monday, August 13 from 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

REMINDER - Registration is available ONLINE NOW! If you have already registered, THANK YOU! Questions? Call us at 573-769-3736!

Interested in donating school supplies? Here is how!

PES Online Registration-NOW AVAILABLE! Currently, reg cannot be done on the App & must be completed through the link on the school website.

Online registration will be available later this month! Watch for information from your school soon!

PES will be holding a bike rodeo during the AM session of summer school on Friday. Students are asked to bring their bike & drop off during morning arrival. Also, a helmet (if your student has one), water bottle & hat/sunscreen would be good to send as well with your student.

During SS, the kids are using the iPads for certain activities. Send headphones/earbuds with your student & label them with their name!

Week 2 of summer school begins tomorrow @8am! See PES Facebook for lunch menu. Friday, 3&4 grade will go to PalBowl & 1&2 fishing in pm!

PES summer school begins Tuesday, 5/29 @8am for Kind-4th grades! Lunch @11:30. PM session for grades 1-4 begins @noon w/dismissal @ 3:30.

Mrs. Myer's First grade class enjoying their camp-out

Mrs. Myer's First grade class enjoying a camp-out!

LAST DAY OF SCHOOL, dismissal @ 11am. ASP not in session. Call if dismissal plans have changed. Summer school begins next Tues, 05/29!

We will still accept PES PAWS shirt orders Monday! Last day of school, 5/21, dismissal @ 11am-no lunch! Summer school begins Tues, 5/29.

Awards day this Friday @ PES. Kindergarten@9:45, 1st grade@2:00, 2nd@12:15, 3rd@8:30, 4th@10:30. Sign in @ office & proceed to gym!

4th Grade Awards Assembly is Friday, May 18th from 10:30-11:55 in the Elementary Gym. Parents/Grandparents are welcome to attend! NOTE: This is a time change from the original schedule.

Please make sure your child's meal account ends with a positive balance at the end of the school year. Check Parent Portal for details.

Job Opportunity @ PES

PES yearbooks have arrived & will be coming home with students; check backpack if you purchased one. We have a few extra to sell for $15!

The Graduating Class of 2018 will take their walk down memory lane here at PES on May 17th at 9am! #pespawsproud

PES Field Day schedule & info. If you purchased a shirt, check your students backpack & wear to school Fri, with sunscreen, shades & hat!