4th grade open house this Mon, 4/23-6pm in PES gym! Also, Middle School summer school forms were sent home with your 4th grader today!
almost 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District
4th grade
Palmyra R1 has 2 tix for 4/21 Cardinal & PHS game. Section 337 Row 8 Seat 20&Section 334 Row 6 Seat 6. $25.00 each! Call Karrie @ 769-2066
almost 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District
It is not too late to order your PES yearbook! Send $15 in an envelope with your student & we will make sure they receive their copy!
almost 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District
Attention all families with incoming kindergarten children. We hope you are able to attend Kindergarten, Here We Come on April 19th.
almost 7 years ago, Parents as Teachers
Mrs. Myer's First Grade class enjoying reading outside today and "Dress Like a Book Character" Day!
almost 7 years ago, 1st Grade
Reading outside 1
Reading outside 2
Reading outside 3
Dress up like your favorite book character
K-Kids received permission slips with information on Kiwanis One Day at today's meeting. Please return the form by April 19.
almost 7 years ago, Elizabeth Bradley
KINDERGARTEN OPEN HOUSE! 5:45 Hallway viewing 6:00 Everyone should be in the gym and seated; students sitting with their teachers. 6:00 Class Plays 6:30 Music 7:00-7:15 Hallway viewing
almost 7 years ago, Kindergarten
Summer school forms for future 5th graders will be out soon. PES will send them home with 4th graders when they have been published by MS.
almost 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District
Summer School forms & pmt due tomorrow! Form on PES website under NEWS. Incoming Kindergarten students will get form @ K HERE WE COME 4/19.
almost 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District
Final K-Kids' meeting on Thursday, April 12, from 3:15 to 4 in the school library. Final service project is Kiwanis One Day on April 21.
almost 7 years ago, Elizabeth Bradley
1st Grade open House Music: Keim more
almost 7 years ago, 1st Grade
Music 4
Music 5
Music 6
1st grade open house Music-Keim
almost 7 years ago, 1st Grade
Music 1
Music 2
Music 3
First Grade Open House: Keim
almost 7 years ago, 1st Grade
Keim 9
Keim 10
Keim 11
First Grade Open House: Keim's class
almost 7 years ago, 1st Grade
Keim 5
Keim 6
Keim 7
Keim 8
First grade open house 4/10/18: Mrs. Keim's class
almost 7 years ago, 1st Grade
Keim 1
Keim 2
Keim 3
Keim 4
PES Summer School forms & payment are due Friday, April 13th! Yearbook orders still being accepted, send an envelope with $15 to order!
almost 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District
Kindergarten Open House will be held, Thurs, 4/12 from 5:45-7:15 pm. Schedule will be coming home with your student & also posted online.
almost 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District
K Open house
Spirit Week April 9-13th
almost 7 years ago, 1st Grade
First grade open house schedule for 4/10/18
almost 7 years ago, 1st Grade
First grade open house schedule
1st Wed of month early dismissal, 1pm tomorrow! ASP not in session. Send note if dismissal plans change. Also, Yearbook orders due-$15!
almost 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District