PES yearbook orders will be accepted after spring break! Can’t find the order form? Send $15 in an envelope with child name & teacher name

More jelly bean graphs

First grade jelly bean graphs

Spring break begins Thurs, 3/29 & ends Tues 4/3! School resumes Wed, 4/4 & that day is our 1st Wed of month early dismissal @ 1pm.

4th Grade Permission Slips for Ag Safety Day coming home tonight! Check your child's backpack. The date of the trip is May 9th. T-shirts are free! Please have forms back by Wednesday, March 28th!

Spring break begins Thurs, 3/29 thru Tues, 4/3! School resumes Wed, 4/4 & that day will be our 1st Wed of month early dismissal @ 1pm.

Have Kindergartner to be or know someone who does & is new to our school district? Call for info & plan to attend K Here We Come-Apr 19th!

CSC guest reader visited today! The kids really enjoyed the visit!

First graders planted grass today

Culver Stockton special football reader in first grade

Preschoolers and their families are invited for an evening of fun building with over 3000 blocks!

Second Grade Open House
March 22, 2018
See picture for schedule :)

3rd Grade Open House #pesproud

First graders playing percussion instruments at the library.

Mrs. Keim’s class at the public library.

Field Day reminder forms are coming home today! Check your child's backpack tonight & send your orders back to school tomorrow or Friday!

PES 3rd qtr grades viewable on Parent Portal! End of school is near-check website/Palmyra R1, MO app under EVENTS to see end of year dates!

Open house is coming up, but what day is it? When is Field day? How do I stay up to date with the latest @PES? Download Palmyra R1, MO app!

2018-2019 calendar for Palmyra R1 Schools.

PES Field day will be held, Friday, May 11th! Tshirt & short order forms are due Friday, March 16th!