PES yearbook orders will be accepted after spring break! Can’t find the order form? Send $15 in an envelope with child name & teacher name
almost 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District
More jelly bean graphs
almost 7 years ago, 1st Grade
Sorting jelly beans
Putting jelly beans on graph
First grade jelly bean graphs
almost 7 years ago, 1st Grade
Jelly beans
Spring break begins Thurs, 3/29 & ends Tues 4/3! School resumes Wed, 4/4 & that day is our 1st Wed of month early dismissal @ 1pm.
almost 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District
4th Grade Permission Slips for Ag Safety Day coming home tonight! Check your child's backpack. The date of the trip is May 9th. T-shirts are free! Please have forms back by Wednesday, March 28th!
almost 7 years ago, 4th Grade
Spring break begins Thurs, 3/29 thru Tues, 4/3! School resumes Wed, 4/4 & that day will be our 1st Wed of month early dismissal @ 1pm.
almost 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District
Have Kindergartner to be or know someone who does & is new to our school district? Call for info & plan to attend K Here We Come-Apr 19th!
almost 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District
K Here we come
CSC guest reader visited today! The kids really enjoyed the visit!
almost 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District
First graders planted grass today
almost 7 years ago, 1st Grade
Planting grass
Culver Stockton special football reader in first grade
almost 7 years ago, 1st Grade
Special football reader from Culver
Culver reader
Preschoolers and their families are invited for an evening of fun building with over 3000 blocks!
about 7 years ago, Parents as Teachers
Block Fest
Second Grade Open House March 22, 2018 See picture for schedule :)
about 7 years ago, 2nd Grade
Second Grade Open House Thursday March 22!
3rd Grade Open House #pesproud
about 7 years ago, Lora Hillman
Rhythm Sticks w/ Exercise Balls
First graders playing percussion instruments at the library.
about 7 years ago, 1st Grade
At the library
Instruments at the library
Playing instruments
Mrs. Keim’s class at the public library.
about 7 years ago, 1st Grade
Students listening to books
Field Day reminder forms are coming home today! Check your child's backpack tonight & send your orders back to school tomorrow or Friday!
about 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District
Field Day
PES 3rd qtr grades viewable on Parent Portal! End of school is near-check website/Palmyra R1, MO app under EVENTS to see end of year dates!
about 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District
PP Login
Open house is coming up, but what day is it? When is Field day? How do I stay up to date with the latest @PES? Download Palmyra R1, MO app!
about 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District
2018-2019 calendar for Palmyra R1 Schools.
about 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District
18-19 calendar
PES Field day will be held, Friday, May 11th! Tshirt & short order forms are due Friday, March 16th!
about 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District