Intruder training at PR1 today. #keeppr1safe

Muffins for Mom - Wednesday, February 21st!

The 4th grade basketball tournament is next Friday, February 23rd! Attached, please find the schedule for the day.

Valentine boxes

First grade valentine boxes

Valentine boxes 2-14-18

First grade valentine boxes

Mrs. Myer's First Grade Class - Valentines Day

PES Book Fair is open today after the Valentine's parties until 4:30 p.m. and tomorrow during parent/teacher conferences until 7:30 p.m.

PES Vday parties @2pm Wed, doors open @1:50(NO PARKING IN BUS/CAR RIDER LANES)-Early dismissal Thurs 2/15 @1pm for PTC, no school Fri&Mon.

Early dismissal Thurs 02/15 @ 1pm for Parent Teacher Conf. ASP NOT in session Thurs. No school Friday 02/16 or Monday 02/19-Pres Day.

PES Book Fair starts tomorrow and runs through February 23. It is open tomorrow from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

PES students have the opportunity to learn about conservation that day & we invite the public in for the evening event, Wed 02/21!

PES K-Kids' meeting on Thursday, February 8, from 3:15 to 4 in the school library.

First graders making snowflakes

Mrs. Keim's first grade class learning about and making snowflakes.

1st Wed of the month early dismissal @ 1pm 2/7! ASP not in session. Send note if your child's dismissal plans are different than normal.

First grade students enjoying their PBS celebration for January.

First grade PBS celebration Feb. 2nd

PES Health Reminder:Children must be fever free w/out fever reducing meds 24 hours before they can return to school. #100degrees=fever