
Remember breakfast is served at Farischon Hall this am #freewilldonation #pawspacks

Join KofC Sat morning 2/3 for breakfast to benefit PES PAWS pack program! Serving 7-10am, cost free will donation. 400 S Lane St, Palmyra.

We look forward to seeing all of our preschool friends!

PES cookie dough order forms & money due tomorrow! Thank you for your hard work supporting our school! Cookie dough will be delivered 2/28!

Final weekend for the PES fundraiser! Go online www.cherrydale.com/frplmpm or order from cookie brochure. Orders due Tues, 01/30!

Blood donor forms for the K-Kids Feb. 5 blood drive will still be accepted on Monday if you wish to donate. Remaining time slots are between 4:45 and 6 p.m.

Pre-K showing Kindness to First Grade: Mrs. Keim's class

PES fundraiser ends this Tuesday, 1/30! Order online www.cherrydale.com/frplmpm & have orders shipped to school FREE for delivery by your favorite PES student!

First grade wearing their reindeer shirts they made.

Mrs. Keim's class celebrating Martin Luther King Day.

Mrs. Keim's class enjoying a game day for PAWS reaching the top of the ladder.

Mrs. Keim's class at the public library.

The K-Kids' meeting cancelled on January 11 will not be rescheduled. The next K-Kids' meeting is February 8.

PES is excited to have an author visiting us on Monday, January 22nd!! Check out his books and animated videos at www.coachsloth.com. #pespawsproud

The PES annual cookie dough fundraiser continues! Go to www.cherrydale.com/frplmpm & browse the online shop-Orders & money due, Jan 30th!

Thanks Ron Raney and crew! You guys are another reason why PR1 is a great place to work and a great place for our kids. #pesgratitude

NO school-MLK Day Monday-1/15. KROC Center Family Day, Sunday-1/14, 1-5pm. Required waiver forms &info avail @PES Facebook page, $3/person

Early dismissal has NOT been decided yet,PES will NOT have ASP or K-Kids after school today.ASP families call PES with going home plans!

K-Kids will meet tomorrow from 3:15 to 4:00 in the PES library. February 5 blood drive info will be distributed.