about 7 years ago, Lora Hillman
Remember breakfast is served at Farischon Hall this am #freewilldonation #pawspacks
about 7 years ago, Lora Hillman
Join KofC Sat morning 2/3 for breakfast to benefit PES PAWS pack program! Serving 7-10am, cost free will donation. 400 S Lane St, Palmyra.
about 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District
We look forward to seeing all of our preschool friends!
about 7 years ago, Parents as Teachers
Tool Time
PES cookie dough order forms & money due tomorrow! Thank you for your hard work supporting our school! Cookie dough will be delivered 2/28!
about 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District
Final weekend for the PES fundraiser! Go online www.cherrydale.com/frplmpm or order from cookie brochure. Orders due Tues, 01/30!
about 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District
cookie dough
Blood donor forms for the K-Kids Feb. 5 blood drive will still be accepted on Monday if you wish to donate. Remaining time slots are between 4:45 and 6 p.m.
about 7 years ago, Elizabeth Bradley
Pre-K showing Kindness to First Grade: Mrs. Keim's class
about 7 years ago, 1st Grade
Enjoying grinch punch
Grinch Punch
Pre-K Teachers made first grade grinch punch!
Yummy punch
PES fundraiser ends this Tuesday, 1/30! Order online www.cherrydale.com/frplmpm & have orders shipped to school FREE for delivery by your favorite PES student!
about 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District
First grade wearing their reindeer shirts they made.
about 7 years ago, 1st Grade
All first graders wearing their reindeer shirts!
Mrs. Keim's class celebrating Martin Luther King Day.
about 7 years ago, 1st Grade
We learned why we celebrate Martin Luther King Day!
Mrs. Keim's class enjoying a game day for PAWS reaching the top of the ladder.
about 7 years ago, 1st Grade
Guess What I Am
Pie in the Face
Mrs. Keim's class at the public library.
about 7 years ago, 1st Grade
Mrs. Juette reading to our class.
The K-Kids' meeting cancelled on January 11 will not be rescheduled. The next K-Kids' meeting is February 8.
about 7 years ago, Elizabeth Bradley
PES is excited to have an author visiting us on Monday, January 22nd!! Check out his books and animated videos at www.coachsloth.com. #pespawsproud
about 7 years ago, Bridgette Augspurg
Author, Coach Sloth, is coming to PES!
Order forms for Coach Sloth's books!
The PES annual cookie dough fundraiser continues! Go to www.cherrydale.com/frplmpm & browse the online shop-Orders & money due, Jan 30th!
about 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District
Thanks Ron Raney and crew! You guys are another reason why PR1 is a great place to work and a great place for our kids. #pesgratitude
about 7 years ago, Lora Hillman
NO school-MLK Day Monday-1/15. KROC Center Family Day, Sunday-1/14, 1-5pm. Required waiver forms &info avail @PES Facebook page, $3/person
about 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District
Early dismissal has NOT been decided yet,PES will NOT have ASP or K-Kids after school today.ASP families call PES with going home plans!
about 7 years ago, Palmyra R-1 School District
K-Kids will meet tomorrow from 3:15 to 4:00 in the PES library. February 5 blood drive info will be distributed.
about 7 years ago, Elizabeth Bradley